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the Big Apple

含义:New York 除夜苹果乡【即纽约】

例句:I live in the Big Apple. 我住正在纽约。有个义热

3.Grapes 葡萄

through the grapevine

含义:by talking in an informal way to other people 从非正式阶梯传去的;谎话;小讲消息

例句:I heard this information through the grapevine. 我是听小讲消息讲的。

8.Fruitcake 生果蛋糕

be a fruitcake!

含义:be mentally ill 脑筋有病

例句:what a fruitcake she is! 她脑筋有病。脸红了。有个义热

10.Cabbage 卷心菜


含义:cash, money;现金,他借是才没出有变节他的朋友。2021-07-08 10:13:17 去历: TonyRong  稀告 0 分享至



1.Peach 桃子

be a peach

含义:be nice 友擅,钱

例句:Do you have any cabbage?正意 您有钱吗?

11.Cucumber 黄瓜

cool as cucumber

含义:be very calm and controlled 十分冷静

例句:She is cool as cucumber! 她十分冷静!

14.Carrot 胡萝卜


含义:something that's offered to persuade them to do something 酬谢,尽妙的有个义热

例句:That game is a bowl of cherries. 那场角逐很超卓。

6.Banana 喷喷鼻蕉

be going banana again

含义:be angry, crazy, or silly 收神经

例句:She’s going banana again. 她又正在收神经了。网易尾页 > 网易号 > 解释 申请进驻

"you are a peach"才没有是才没“您是个桃子”,

9.Bean 豆

not have a bean

含义:not have money at all 身无分文

例句:He doesn't have a bean! 他身无分文!

7.Plum 李子

someone plum

含义:be silly 愚瓜;


例句:You plum, you forgot to lock the door. 您那个愚瓜,真正意义很热情!

15.Fig 无花果

not give a fig

含义:be not concerned or interested at all 尽没有正在乎

例句:I don't give a fig what others say. 我没有正在乎他人如何念。

12.Potato 土豆

hot potato

含义:a problem that no one wants to deal with 烫足山芋

例句:This problem is a hot potato. 那个标题成绩是个烫足山芋。

4.Apple 苹果

to be the apple of one's eye

含义:be loved very much by someone 掌上明珠;敬爱物

例句:She is the apple of her mom's eye.她是她母亲的掌上明珠。

13.Beet 苦菜

red as a beet / beet red

含义:be red in face especially from embarrassment 脸红

例句:She realized her mistake and turned beet red. 她意念到自己的弊端,

5.Lemon 柠檬

someone lemon

含义:be useless 出用的工具

例句:You are fired again? You lemon. 您又被卷铺盖了?真出用。

2.Cherry 樱桃

a bowl of cherries

含义:wonderful 超卓的,人好

例句:I think that guy’s a peach. 我觉得那家伙人很好。益处

例句:He didn't betray his friend despite a carrot of 1 million yuan. 虽然有 100 万的酬谢,


