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中英责编 | 开哲
中英该剧已成为许多年轻人的单语电视乡土文明记忆战岭北文明的标记!迄古从无间断。粤语播出散次最多的系列电视剧做品。往年曾是剧中它开播的第21年,自2000年开播以去,去媳网易尾页 > 网易号 > 解释 申请进驻用微疑扫码两维码
What is 妇当the longest TV series you have ever seen?
In Guangdong, there is a Cantonese TV series named “Migrant Wives, Local Husbands”. Since its inception in 2000, this drama has been uninterrupted for 21 years, with more than 4,000 episodes, making it the longest-running TV series with the most episodes in the history of Chinese radio and television.
Today, this drama has become a symbol of Lingnan culture for many young people.